
React App

Spotify Playlist Maker

My first react app, following Codecademy tutorial on using Spotify API that allows you to login to your account and create a playlist

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Website Stylist

Shear's a go-go

In home hair cutting services
Need a haircut?
Atlanta Area Only

Check it out! Open BoxOpen Icon
Bot Door Game

Just playing around,

Come play a simple yet addictive game

Door Game
. . .
Shopify Store

Earth & People, LLC

Shopify Theme Customization
Store closed, but look around and let me know if you need a custome theme for shopify, password is mahita

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Artist Page

Washed Up

Website for artist to showcase their work

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Tryhackme CTF Playing

Profile Page

This platform made learning cyber fun! Top 1%

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CTF Creation
picture of goblin

The Gobling Store

My first ctf, here I took a website I did for the Intermediate Web Dev Course on WYWM and turned it into a ctf

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CTF Creation
picture of website

The Hunt

I had the honor of being able to create a web challenge for the HTH Cyber Convention in 2022, you can play all the challenges here

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Malware Detection

Assembly Line 4

I used to grade code every week for work, I take the extra step to not be that guy that clicks on it!

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ci/cd pipeline

Grab the repo

ci/cd pipeline

Create the artifact

ci/cd pipeline

Deliver the artifact

ci/cd pipeline

Create the Release

ci/cd pipeline

Deploy the Service, Go!
Please allow a minute to start container

My personal Google search